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Declaration of accessibility

The website www.invest-msr.com, which is administered by the company Moravskoslezské Investice a Development, a.s. (MSID), identification no. (IČ) 47673168, registered address Na Jízdárně 7/1245, 702 00 Ostrava, has been designed to meet all obligatory and conditionally obligatory requirements for accessibility as stipulated in Act no. 99/2019 Sb. on the accessibility of websites and mobile apps, as currently valid, and in accordance with Implementing Decree no. 64/2008 Sb. on accessibility.

Description of non-standard data formats used

The website www.invest-msr.com includes some information that is accessible in a form other than text or hypertext.

Documents may be accessible in the following formats:

  • PDF – the browser Adobe Acrobat Reader is freely available to view this format.
  • OpenDocument (ODT, ODS, ODP) – these formats may be viewed in OpenOffice, which is available as an open-source package.
  • .doc, .docx, .odt, .xls, .xlsx, .ods and similar – Microsoft provides free downloads of viewers for these products from its Office package.
  • JPG, GIF, PNG – graphic documents.
  • RTF – can be displayed and edited by the majority of widely accessible text editors.
  • ZIP, RAR – compressed documents. The contents can be decompressed by a program of the user’s choice designed for the purpose of decompression.

If you have any questions, comments or information on problems you encounter when using this web, you can send them to info@msid.cz